+ Announcements + 9 March 2025 +

ADULT BIBLE STUDY - this Sunday is led by Chip May and will continue discussion on “Junk Drawer Jesus,” focusing on chapter 5! We will be watching some short videos, reading some excerpts from the book, and discussing it in small groups. All are welcome! Reading the book is not a requirement for participation in the discussion.

LENTEN/EASTER CHOIR - Choir rehearsals for the Lenten and Easter services are Thursday at 7 pm.  All are welcome to participate!

FREE LITTLE PANTRY - is in need of some food love! March focus will be “Rise & Shine”.  Please bring food that will help our neighbors start the day strong! Pancake mix, cereals, canned meats, coffees, bread mixes, etc.  Items can be placed in the Community Corner basket or in the kitchen LFP cupboards.  Thank you for helping to serve our neighbors in need!

NEIGHBORLY CAFE - meets every Tuesday and Friday, from 9:30 ’til Noon. A couple of volunteers are needed to help Kent with this ministry. There is always free coffee, cookies, and conversation, of course!

EASTER LILIES - are available to sponsor!  You can make your purchase in honor of a person or special occasion or in memory of a loved one.  Help us decorate our church in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection!  Sign up sheet is located in the Community Corner.  Sign up by Sunday, April 13 to have your sponsorship noted in the bulletin.  Easter lilies can be taken home after church on the second Sunday in Easter (April 27).

MEAL TRAIN - A meal train has been set up for the Knoll family.  Sign up at https://mealtrain.com/qgvm48

GUEST SPEAKER NEXT SUNDAY - Bishop David Tswaedi will be our preacher on March 16, and will lead the adult bible Study.  He is the Intentional Interim Bishop for the Confessional Lutheran Synod in South Africa, based at St. Peter Confessional Lutheran Church in Middelburg. He began serving in this role in 2022 after the founding Bishop Mandla Khumalo was called to heaven in 2021. Bishop Tswaedi grew up in Soweto, outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. He attended the University of South Africa in Pretoria and received a Masters of Sacred Theology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN. He served as bishop of the Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA), as a professor at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria/Tshwane, and as Executive Director of the Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa. He and his wife Lucy live in Johannesburg.

TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL, MANISTEE - is seeking a qualified, Christian kindergarten teacher beginning the 2025-2026 school year.  This candidate should hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a current teaching certificate.  An early childhood degree and/or endorsement is preferred but not required.  For more information or to apply please contact Ashlea Weston, principal, at aweston@trinitymanistee.com or call 231-732-8700.

LIGHTHOUSE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER - thanks all who supported the ministry of Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center financially, materially, and/or with prayer and your time during 2024.  Because of your partnership we were able to welcome 152 families into the Center for 542 visits.  We gave out 16,000+ diapers, 209 cans of formula, 543 jars of baby food and 4,000+ pieces of clothing after we met and prayed for each person.  "May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace." Romans 15:13a
