Dwell Richly

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Dwell Richly, Day 74

Today's reading—John 6

Such a powerful chapter, reinforcing the gifts God gives in Holy Communion! But I'm struck anew by the purpose of gathering the leftovers, in v. 12: "That none may perish." These words echo the famous verse from earlier this week, John 3:16. Jesus is subtly reminding me that, in His kingdom, He desires there be no left-outs, and so we persistently seek out the left-overs. 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 73

Today's reading—John 5

One Word of Christ that I can't help noticing today is "working" (v. 17): "My Father is working until now, and I am working." In the context of this debate about the Sabbath, this reminds me what the primary purpose of the Lord's Day is: to rest in God's mercy and let Him go to work on me with His gifts of forgiveness and renewal. He's always on the job!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 72

Today's reading—John 4

In this famous account of Jesus' interaction with the woman at the well, v. 4 grabs my attention: "And He had to pass through Samaria." Commentators will point out that, geographically speaking, Jesus no more "had to" pass through Samaria on his way than you "have to" pass through Frankfort en route to TC. It was a *spiritual* necessity. Jesus is compelled by His love to pursue the Samaritan woman, and us. 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 71

Today's reading—John 3

The obvious Word to catch my attention is the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16. But what gives me a swift kick to the pride-pants is verse 27, when John the Baptist tells us that "A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven." This Word reminds me of the gracious favor of God; even my capacity to receive is a gift from Him!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 70

Today's reading—John 2

The Word of Christ that I can't help noticing today is "manifested His glory" (v. 11). Such a robust and freighted phrase. As we'll see throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus' glory looks different, very different, from what the world expects. And it starts here, with the changing of water into wine. 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 69

Today's reading—John 1

How could the Word not catch my attention today? Truly, Jesus is the Word made flesh, and this magnificent "overture" of the Gospel points us to a theme that resounds through this Time of Christmas in the Church Year. God's Word is not only spoken and written; it's embodied in the person of His Son.

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 68

Today's reading: Luke 24

The Word that stands out to me today is "idle tale" (v. 11). The good news of Jesus' resurrection seemed literally too good to be true! And thus many in our day still think. We can take comfort knowing that even the Apostles struggled to believe—but also be emboldened to believe and confess that the resurrection is NOT some idle tale! God, grant us such boldness in our day!

What's your Word?
