Dwell Richly

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Dwell Richly, Day 39

Today's reading: Matthew 25

Oh, so much in this chapter, one of my favorites in Matthew. But I'm always taken with the declaration, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your master" (v. 21). Aren't these the words we all long to hear? And a Day is coming, perhaps today, when we will, because of Jesus' work *for* us and the Spirit's work *in* us!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 38

Today's reading: Matthew 24

The Word that grabs my attention today is "great tribulation" (v. 21). This chapter is really all about tribulations—Jesus tells us they're coming, and when we look around we see they're already here. How, then, should we respond? As the Lord says, "stay awake." I aim to possess a sustainable vigilance. attending well to my vocations, but always with an eye on the horizon for His coming. 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 37

Today's reading: Matthew 23

Today I'm hard-pressed to miss the word hypocrite. By my count, it shows up a half dozen times in this chapter. Jesus is relentless! And it's easy for me to jeer at the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, but the word cuts to my own heart as well. In what ways am I like a "whitewashed tomb"? Lord, forgive my failings, and help me to live true to your Word!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 36

Today's reading: Matthew 22

The Word of Christ that grabs me today is the same one that seized me when this Gospel came up in worship a couple of Sundays ago: "For many are called, but few are chosen" (verse 14). My knee-jerk reaction is to hear that fearfully. But then I remember: Jesus has chosen me (John 15:16), even before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8:38-39). 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 35

Today's reading: Matthew 21

The Word that grabs me today follows from the "millstone" in chapter 18: Jesus receives praise even from the mouths of "nursing babies" (v. 16)! Perhaps this shouldn't surprise us; even the infant John the Baptist, when he was in his mama's womb, leapt to hear Jesus' name (Luke 1:44). How precious are the youngest among us, already joining the heavenly chorus!

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 34

Today's reading: Matthew 20

I'm arrested by Jesus' question of the blind man in v. 32: "What do you want to do for you?" Jesus of course knows what the man needs—and yet He wants him to ask. So also, I think, for us. Though God already knows everything that we need, He delights in our coming to Him and actually asking. And He really wants to hear! Lord, grant me that boldness! 

What's your Word?

Dwell Richly, Day 33

Today's reading: Matthew 19

Verse 28 is a Word of Christ that sticks with me in this chapter, in particular Jesus' phrase "the new world." Nerding out, the Greek word palingenesia used here means literally "rebirth" (cf. Titus 3:5). What we're looking forward to is the renewal and rebirth of creation, when God will be all in all! 

What's your Word?
